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28 November 2023

Coulter Partners' Zdenka Vitkova joins Fireside Chat at Spark Meetup

Last week Zdenka Vitkova, Director, was a Fireside Chat guest at the November edition of Spark Meetup.

On the panel hosted by Mo Zhao from MBA'24 at London Business School, she joined Ferdinando Sigona, Partner at LocalGlobe. They both shared invaluable insights on the ‘art and science of finding a co-founder and assembling a top-notch startup team’.

The key takeaways were:
- Skill gaps in startup teams are inevitable and can be best addressed by good advisors. Bringing a resourceful and hands-on chair early on is becoming a trend.
- Aspiring entrepreneurs should make themselves present in the community with the most entrepreneurial spirit.
- Founders' relationships more often than not do not last until the NASDAQ bell. Be transparent with each other about expectations, check in and adapt frequently, and have the humility to prioritize the firm over yourself as a founder.

The event was co-hosted by the Crick Science Entrepreneur Network (CSEN) and London Business School Healthcare Club at the The Francis Crick Institute in London.


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