Welcome to Coulter Partners Global (English)

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Diverse perspectives : Better decisions

At Coulter Partners, we believe that our differences are our strength. Conscious inclusion and collaboration; respect and trust – they are instilled in each and every one of us and form the foundation of our values, D, E & I pledge and core pillars.

Our pledges

We advocate respect and collaboration in an environment where everyone is accountable for acceptable behaviour

We celebrate our differences and embrace individuality, fostering mutual trust and equity – where everyone can be authentic, where everyone has a voice and where everyone is heard

We share a commitment to combat biases and discrimination, fostering conscious inclusion with our colleagues, and within the communities in which we operate

We care for one another, supporting, nurturing and developing individuals to unlock their potential and help them thrive

We pledge to serve our clients and industry with the same passion and transparency – addressing leadership challenges without bias, pushing the boundaries on stereotypes and delivering fresh perspectives

We commit to continually educating ourselves on relevant topics, and in doing so, better serve our clients

We strive to ensure an evidence-based approach to enhance processes and ultimately outcomes by continually measuring our own progress both internally, and for our clients

At Coulter Partners, we strive to build an environment where everyone feels respected, listened to, and trusted. We are deeply committed to advancing inclusivity for all and are continuously working on improving our understanding of each other and our ability to work together. Only by continuously learning and enhancing our processes, can we better support our colleagues and the communities we serve.
Bianca Coulter
Executive Chair, Coulter Partners

Partnership with ION

The Institute of Neurodiversity (ION) is an inclusive neurominority-led global membership organisation with a purpose of helping neurominorities thrive and prosper.

As a proud partner and corporate member of the Institute, we embrace Neurodiversity as a competitive advantage and are committed to continuous learning about neuroinclusive recruitment.

By equipping us with knowledge, tools, and strategies, this exciting partnership allows us to gain a solid understanding of Neurodiversity and how best to support neurodiverse people in the workplace, as well as how to attract neurodiverse talent – both for ourselves and our clients.

To learn more about ION and its mission, please visit their website below.

Discover our D, E & I Thought Leadership Series

A new version of Coulter Partners is available.